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The proposal that I present to you is based on Mindfulness and Kundalini yoga. It is a very old discipline based on several yoga paths (Raja de Patanjali, Shakti, Bhakti...) to awaken Consciousness and develop a firm inner strength.


The Yoga style that you will find in my sessions is energetic, deep and conscious, in which we will combine pranayamas, mudrasmantras,58 on the move, along with powerful Mindfulness-based meditations.


It is a transformative physical, emotional and mental experience, a communion of your finite part with your infinite part. 



Te propongo varios programas de 6  sesiones de 90 minutos para alinear diferentes centros del cuerpo y la mente, mejorando así_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_your mood and your health. They are orientation programs that I adapt to your specific needs.



DETOX:  Kriyas para equilibrar el sistema linfático, limpiar el sistema digestivo, hígado y riñones, activando el sistema inmune._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Take care of your body and balance both hemispheres of the mind. Meditative practice through the chakras and Metta meditation of kindness and goodness.


STRESS RELEASE: To balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, develop the frontal lobe and activate energy points in the body that lead to mental and physical calm. Body Scan meditative practice.


ENERGY: Activate Solar energy with pranayamas, meditations and kriyas that will awaken your warrior Shakti part by developing great willpower. Warrior Meditation.




Book an introductory session at no cost for you to inform yourself about the details.


The sessions can be in Spanish, English or French.


The formats are in person or through the Zoom platform.

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