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From inside
A process of finding the truth
from your heart

Perhaps you are experiencing moments of personal or professional uncertainty that are difficult to handle, or you want to learn to connect more with your inner space or you may have realized that the life you have is not the life you want... I can accompany you during this process transformation through individual or group sessions con  Coaching, Mindfulness and Yoga;

Our sessions will be moments to invite you to stop and become aware of what it is that resonates in your heart; see the old ideas about yourself that no longer serve you; and develop an exciting and vibrant life plan with your values.

Book an information session to find out more.


A Coaching process helps you discover who you are, what has heart and meaning for you,and how  develop habits that lead you to greater fulfillment and harmony, living the purpose you choose. 


You observe the mind without judging its content, seeing the connection between thoughts, emotions and sensations.

You learn listen and accept change without running away or rejecting it.

You discover that you can choose a healthy response to life's challenges.


Yoga to awaken Consciousness, strengthen the immune system, reduce stress and detoxify the body-mind. In each session you will connect with the courage and vital force to face your day with positive energy.

"Choose to be present; attend to what has heart and meaning; "


The 4 paths of the Shaman. angeles arrien

Wheat Field

what do they say about yoga

“I love your yoga Amaia, it is very energetic and with a very personal style. It sets me up for the day.”

Marian, Bilbao

Meet Amaia

15 years ago I participated in a retreat for the first time, I had never meditated was an incredible experience that opened my heart and mind.  There I really began to ask myself some important questions, such as who I want to be? What are my talents and passions?;  until then I had worked professionally in different fields, as a lawyer, publicist and entrepreneur... but I didn't feel fulfilled.


Coaching, Mindfulness and Yoga have helped me get to know myself, stop judging myself so much and take steps towards a fuller and more conscious way of life, aligned with my values. 

There are three important ideas-values that are like beacons for me and that you will find in my sessions:

The first is WIND.It is freedom, joy, movement, change, expressing the essence without barriers and with courage. Experience life from new perspectives, dance, sing, laugh. It is my expressive, restless and spontaneous part that will invite you to get out of your comfort zone... that will challenge you to go for what matters to you.

The second is TAZA DE CHOCOLATE. These are the moments of Kairós sharing deep conversations with my family and friends... It is also enjoying the journey, cooking without a recipe, following intuition and the senses. It is the part that listens from the heart, it is the kindness, the one that invites you to appreciate and take care of yourself.

The third is CARACOLA. It is the part of me that loves silence, the one that looks out the window on a rainy day, the one that loves poetry and spends hours reading, discovering the meaning of life. It is the one that connects with and from the soul... it is the presence,  es from Within. And it will invite you to enter that deep space that is in you.

Certified Co-active CoachCPCC en CTI. And Ontological Coach by BDA. Certified in Coaching tools for high performance teams. More than 500 hours of training and practices.


Mindfulness Instructor MBSR, accredited by IMTA and trained at the esMindfulness Institute. Instructor of instructors. Certified in Sophrology. More than 500 hours of training, practices and retreats.


Teacher ofKundalini Yoga 500 hours  (Level 1 and 2) in an Ashram in the French Alps.

We can do sessions and workshops in Spanish, English and French.

"I want these sessions to be an opportunity to find your essence more luminous and show it from full consciousness"
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